About Me..

Hi, my name is Tara, and I am a mother of 4 wonderful children in our beautiful, blended family.

I studied with Julie Clark at the Doula Academy of Australia and am a member of the Doula Network Australia.

I've always loved visiting friends during this time and being the little helper. Getting all the dishes washed and dried and put away, emptying all the bins, and throwing the washing in the machine. Making their house feel like a peaceful haven again rather than a war zone of chores to be done.

I started working as a babysitter when I was 10! (That was the youngest anyone would take me haha)

I always adored babies and children. I worked as a live-in Nanny in London for several years with children from newborn to 12 years of age.

I lived with a beautiful family who had 2 boys under 3 and then the mum fell pregnant with another beautiful baby boy during my time with them. Helping the mum during her postpartum period with the older boys as well as the newborn baby was such a rewarding time.

I have also worked in the hospitality industry throughout pretty much my whole life, most recently managing luxury hotels.

It is what I've always known and loved. I have always been passionate about taking care of people, making them feel cared for, and doing whatever I can to make their day special. Though I would always seek out the families, the children, and the mummies and do what I can to make them feel comfortable and be able to enjoy their holiday with their little ones, bringing colouring in and talking with the children every day so that they also felt important.

After the birth of my 4th baby in 2022, I struggled with no help from friends or family available. I needed an extra me, to do the jobs I couldn't get done while I was nap trapped or busy breastfeeding for what seemed like hours on end. I wanted to enjoy those hours and embrace that special time with my baby, without feeling like I had 100 other things I should be achieving and trying to get done.

I thought that there should be a service available for mums like me. Someone who could make me a cup of tea and a snack, help with some dishes and clothes washing, and then sit and chat with me. Offering emotional support on those really hard days. Some days are so very isolating and lonely.

That's when I discovered the postpartum doula, and I just knew I'd found my calling.

I am a breastfeeding advocate and have been lucky enough to breastfeed all 3 of my babies for going on 5 years collectively. However, I love supporting families no matter how they choose to feed their babies.

My other passion is cooking and baking.

According to my partner and children, creating a yummy meal out of thin air is my superpower.

I love to get creative in the kitchen with snacks and school lunches and also love to make delicious and guilt-free baked goods. Something I craved in those early postpartum days.

I like to make mealtimes fun and colourful as I believe feeding the soul is also important and it's true, we do eat with our eyes first.

I’m excited to meet you and your family. I’m here for you physically and emotionally. Here “to serve” in any way that benefits you. I’ll do my best to be there for you, your partner and your children, supporting you in your journey – emotionally, physically, informatively, and practically – in every way I can.

My goal is to ensure that you feel supported, cared about, rested, fed and empowered.

I want you to enjoy the postpartum period, the fourth trimester.

I'm not your typical moon-worshiping, placenta-encapsulating,

spiritually woke Doula, I am just me...

I am however, wholeheartedly an empath, an open book, ask me anything, nothing is taboo.

Proud Member of Doula Network Australia inc.

Empowering Mothers through Love

and knowledge sharing

Book an obligation free meet and greet today!

Newcastle Doula - Newcastle Postpartum Doula

Servicing Newcastle and Lake Macquarie as well as the Lower Hunter Valley


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